5 Contoh Teks Penyiar Radio Dalam Bahasa Inggris

5 Contoh Teks  Penyiar Radio Dalam Bahasa Inggris
5 Contoh Teks  Penyiar Radio Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Seperti pada judul artikel kali ini kami akan berbagi contoh teks untuk penyiar radio bahasa Inggris. Terdapat beberapa pilihan contoh teks yang dapat sobat gunakan di bawah ini sebagai bahan referensi untuk memenuhi tugas sekolah . Simpan dan unduh secara gratis selengkapnya silahkan simak berikut di bawah ini;

"5 Contoh Teks  Penyiar Radio Dalam Bahasa Inggris"

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1.Contoh Teks  Penyiar Radio Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Assalamualaikum Warrahmatulahi Wabarakatuh
Good morning and what’s up guys,? Hopefull yes growing better right!
This morning during the next hour, with me Aulia which airs with Comtec Radio on 77.7 Fm who will accompany activities you all to be more passionate and knowledgeable, of course in the segment Up To Date News, to share information that invites you to see the phenomenon of what is happening today. like a natural phenomenon or a social phenomenon. everything will be summarized here. on Up to Date News Comtec Radio

And don’t forget, for you who have the time to join with me, can give feedback on the information that will be I give.
Can be via sms on number 085270002000 or through Fanpage Comtec Radio with #uptodatecomtecradio.

And to start our togetherness, I will give you a song that make us all the more excited this morning. The Chainsmokers and Coldplay with his song Something Just Like This. Don’t go anywhere because Aulia and Comtec Radio will be back soon and check this song…..

Song Playing………………………….

2. Contoh Teks  Penyiar Radio Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Okay guys, back together Aulia and Comtec Radio 77.7 fm. Still spirit, right? Obviously because I am here is very excited for you all The Comtecker.

And updated information that will give me related to natural phenomena that occurred in March. What is that? Yep, associated with Equinox.

Woww..... What was the Equinox? Be Patience, guys.... Previously, I would like to remind to all of you who want to join in here to respond, via sms on number 085270002000 or can be through fanpage Comtec Radio with #uptodatecomtecradio.

Okay ... let's talk about Equinox ...

Guys, Equinox is a phenomenon where the sun is on the track of the equator.
This phenomenon happens two times a year, on March 21 and September 23.
The rare event also makes the position of sunrise and sunset can be viewed horizontally across the globe. People living in the subtropical region of the north and south can also witness this phenomenon. When this phenomenon takes place, the duration of day and night in all parts of the earth relative to the same. Including Indonesia, which is located at the equator.

But ...... it seems a lot of people, especially in Indonesia's misunderstood about this equinox phenomenon, guys. They become anxious and worried if the Equinox can threaten their health.

According to Environment Climate experts from the Faculty of Geography, Dr Emilya Nurjani, She confirmed that conditions would indeed lead to an increase in air temperature in Indonesia. However, it will not result in a temperature rise drastically. It is certainly different from the heat wave that occurred in Africa and the Middle East. So no need to go overboard in response to this phenomenon Equinox. In Indonesia, if the Equinox takes place, the air temperature ranges predicted at least 32-36 degrees Celsius. That's because Indonesia is a country that is wet or damp.

And in the end, Guys, we all certainly can conclude wisely. No need to feel excessively with Equinox this phenomenon. And the most important thing is to maintain the health of yourself, your family and the environment where you live. Because maintaining health is mandatory. There must be a time when something threatens to occur.

Well, have started to understand the guys ... okay, once again I remind you to join in 085270002000 and Comtec Fanpage Radio, give you feedback about the information earlier.
While waiting for your response, I will give a more song to make you even more excited. Alan Walker with Alone .. Because You're not alone ... there Aulia and Comtec Radio here. Will  comeback soon and check this song ... ..

3. Contoh Teks  Penyiar Radio Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Back again, still with Aulia and Comtec Radio on 77.7 fm ... t
his time I will immediately read 2 responses that have entered ...
okay, the first from 081250XXX
"Wow, was surprised as well. Fear is like in Africa, Sister. Not as hot as you can imagine if it was. Thankfully if only briefly and not as hot as it was. Thank you for the information, Sister Aulia "

Okay ... you’re welocme .. hopefully useful information.

And the second via facebook .. From Andita
 "Good morning Sister, (" Morning too Andita  the Beautiful .. ")" Helpful once the information. So no need to worry. Stay healthy and spirit! "
(Yep, absolutely right Andita. Stay healthy and spirit! For all Comtecker wherever you are)

Thank you so much that is already giving its response. May be useful.
But unfortunately, yes, because the info was ending our encounter in this segment. But don’t  worry because segment Equally cool activities will always accompany you all.
and I am Aulia say thank you and have a nice activity. Stay at Comtec Radio ... Smart And Keep smile .. See you with the last song.. Rachell Platten with Stand By You

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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